Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Getting organised again...

...I've been adding posts to the Photog Blog again, and there are a few piccies of Amelia over there now too.

Amelia has had a happy day again today. She's back to what she's been like, up until she put cranky pants on last week. I hope she stays like this now! Not sure if it's a growth spurt, cos she sure has grown a HEAP this week and has been feeding non stop. Really starting to fill out and look oh so delicious. Will be interesting to see what she weighs this week.

I've been trying to get some pics of her with Brett and/or the boys, but do you think we can ever organise it to happen. Either Brett's out, boys are tired, she's cranky or I can't be stuffed... or there's no natural light. I put my studio lights back up again this week though, so can use those now I guess.

I tried to start one of her scrapbook albums this past weekend, and I pulled out Ethan's to compare the notes I'd made for him. I nearly died when I looked at his pics.... complete carbon copy... little clone. So then I pulled out Liams and he too looks so much like her.

Anyway, just a post to let you all know that there's not much happening at the moment, and she's all good :)

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